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Welcome to 
 The International Speed Horse Association

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Who is ISHA?

  • We are The International Speed Horse Association.
  • Is a Speed Horse a specific breed? NO. Speed Horses are various breeds and/or a combination of various breeds.

    A Single-Footing horse is capable of performing an even timed, four-beat gait that ranges from a relaxed trail gait to a ground covering single-foot. The horse moves with one foot on the ground at a time, producing a smooth and consistent gait. Speed Horses, also known as Single-Footing or Speed Racking horses, are usually a combination of various breeds, ranging from Standardbred Horses to Saddlebred Horses to Tennessee Walking Horses.

  • The International Speed Horse Association (ISHA) is a Not-For-Profit Association of Speed Horse Owners, Trainers, Exhibitors and Judges.
  • The ISHA Registry (coming soon) is not a breed registry, it is a discipline registry and that discipline is Single-Footing / Speed Racking.
  • ISHA was formed for several reasons:
    1. To help organize and promote a growing industry of Speed Racking and Single-Footing horses.
    2. To create a fair and level playing field for all participants by insisting on fair judging of both Oval and Straightaway races.
    3. To maintain and disseminate show and racing information to our members.
    4. To help grow the Speed Racking / Single Footing sport, through fairness and professionalism.



International Speed Horse Association is a non-profit organization.
198 W Main St., Camden TN 38320

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